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Vogel Library Strategic Plan

January 2024 - December 2025 (Published January 16, 2024)

Strategic Initiative H:
Strengthen the distinction of the archives

Goal 1: Build upon existing relationships and develop new ones throughout the Wartburg community to establish the archives as an academic resource

Point Person: College Archivist

Supporting: Library Director & College Librarian, Faculty

Narrative: The Wartburg College Archives is an area of distinction but an underutilized one. The College Archivist will develop a plan to work with every campus department to educate and highlight the work of the Archives, communicate how and when materials should be transferred to the Archives for continued care of the college’s history, and to support the institutional wide development of information retention.

coming soon on a sign - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Planned Dec 2024 - Mar 2025

Goal 2: Manage the evolving reputation of the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting

Point Person: College Archivist

Supporting: Library Director & College Librarian, Archives of Iowa Broadcasting National Advisory Board, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Narrative: The Archives of Iowa Broadcasting is housed at Wartburg College and is an important resource for the college, the college’s reputation, and journalism in the state of Iowa. This relationship should continue to be nurtured, celebrated, and expanded to other news organizations and broadcast researchers.

coming soon on a sign - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Planned Jan-Apr 2025

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: