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Vogel Library Strategic Plan

January 2024 - December 2025 (Published January 16, 2024)

Strategic Initiative F:
Support educational experiences outside of the classroom

Goal 1: Incorporate regular technology education into programming

Point Person: Information Literacy and Technology Librarian

Supporting: ELITE Consultants

Narrative: The Library supports lifelong learning and learning in and out of the classroom. As part of this, a rotating series of workshops and learning opportunities on new technologies, devices, and other technology related concerns will be developed and promoted. This will also serve as an opportunity for student employees to take a leadership role in their areas of passion.

coming soon on a sign - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Planned for Sep-Oct 2025

Goal 2: Create opportunities to engage students in learning essential life skills

Point Person: Information Literacy and Community Engagement Librarian

Supporting: Library Personnel, student employees, Student Life Office

Narrative: The Library supports lifelong learning and learning in and out of the classroom. Major life skills such as financial literacy, home economics, using hand tools, etc. are often taught in home settings but not every student comes from a home where these skills are developed. The Library will work with other campus organizations to help fill this need to best prepare students for success in the future.

coming soon on a sign - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Planned for Sep-Oct 2025

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: