Point Person: Library Director & College Librarian
Supporting: Library Personnel
Narrative: At present, Library policies are infrequently updated, not uniformly formatted, and are not easily accessible. The purpose of the Library is to make information accessible and we uphold that accessibility to our information, our policies, is a part of that. Further, we have many internal procedures documented but not all and few are accessible to individuals in different positions within the Library personnel. With turnover in every position within five years, little documentation exists to support succession planning. All Library personnel will continue to document procedures for the daily operations of the Library which will then be housed in an internal database.
Status: In Progress
Point Person: Library Director & College Librarian
Supporting: Library Personnel, Dean of the Faculty, Human Resources
Narrative: The Library has historically had frequent turnover in all positions preventing much forward momentum and support for new employees. Using the experiences of the most recent hires, the Library will develop a cohesive onboarding plan that supports success in being a new Library employee and embeds the responsibilities and opportunities for all employees of Wartburg College.
Status: In Progress
Point Person: Information Literacy and Technology Librarian, Circulation Supervisor
Supporting: Student Life Office, Library Director & College Librarian, Information Technology Services
Narrative: The Library has worked with Student Life to circulate laptops on long-term loan to students experiencing financial hardship and unable or unprepared to make the purchase of such a device. As the program continues to expand, it has become necessary to develop formal policies and expectations to compassionately support students' academic success.
Status: Complete
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: asklibrarian@wartburg.edu