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Vogel Library Strategic Plan

January 2024 - December 2025 (Published January 16, 2024)

Strategic Initiative A:
Support lifelong learning and uplift the professional experiences of Wartburg staff and faculty

Goal 1: Develop lecture series on professional scholarship of Wartburg personnel

Point Person: Library Director & College Librarian 

Supporting: Information Literacy and Student Success Librarian, Information Literacy and Technology Librarian, Information Literacy and Community Engagement Librarian, Faculty Development Committee, Dean of the Faculty 

Narrative: In support of lifelong learning, this initiative comes as a direct faculty request, supported by the Library as well as the Faculty Development Committee. Wartburg College is fortunate to have an abundance of professionals across academic departments conducting independent research and yet, there are minimal opportunities to honor that work. Creating a regular space to celebrate these achievements and for students to see their instructors in a new light would expand on the ease with which the college can promote the institution as a space for academic excellence.  

project complete checkmark on calendar - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Complete

Goal 2: Prioritize the acquisition of professional faculty and staff publications with a more streamlined process

Point Person: Library Director & College Librarian, Information Literacy and Student Success Librarian, Information Literacy and Technology Librarian, Information Literacy and Community Engagement Librarian 

Supporting: Technical Services Supervisor 

Narrative: The Library and Archives currently endeavor to acquire all professional publications of those connected to Wartburg College, however the process as to how this happens is currently unclear and relies on individuals directly communicating with the Library. By developing an easier and more efficient process for faculty and staff to submit publications, we create new expectations we hope become patterns of behavior so that we can more readily make these professional publications accessible to others. This is likely to be achieved through an online form that is then publicized. 

project complete checkmark on calendar - icon created by Aranagraphics at Flaticon   Status: Complete

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: