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Suggestions for March

Are these books divisive - or are uncomfortable truths of social justice being revealed?

The person/group requesting removal of a book might find the book to be inappropriate or to be fanning the flames division. And it's easy to pick out a paragraph or page of the book that makes the text seem divisive. Challenging a book without considering the work as a whole is a disservice to readers.

Without some level of division, there wouldn't be any inspiration to make improvements to the status quo. When readers learn more about historical events, they have an opportunity to learn about mistakes of the past so they are less likely to repeat the mistakes.

To my knowledge, these books have not been challenged - - - but they serve as examples of texts that help readers learn more about mistakes of the past. If there isn't room on the shelves for books that make readers uncomfortable, they miss out on learning opportunities.

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: