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Vogel Library Events

Game Night

Join us for new games or old favorites! Game Night is the perfect opportunity to take a break from your studies, recharge your mind, and enjoy some laughter.

We will meet every Thursday evening from 8-9 PM in the booth seating on the 1st floor of Vogel Library.

Valentine Studios

Monday, Feb 10 through Friday, Feb 14

Make a Valentine card or a small gift for someone you love.

Project ideas and materials will be available on the 2nd floor of the library and in the Kreativwerkstatt.

Midterm Brain Breaks

Monday, Feb 17 through Friday, Feb 21

Keep chipping away at that “to-do” list, but keep in mind – stepping away from your midterm projects for a few moments can provide you with renewed energy and improved focus!

Look for Brain Break stations in Vogel Library throughout mid-term week.

Cite Knight

Tuesday, February 4 and Monday, February 10

drop-in hours from 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Drop by Vogel Library Classroom 2 for support gathering, documenting, and citing resources for your midterm papers and projects.

AI Workshop with ELITE

Tuesday, February 11, 8 - 8:30 PM

Wednesday, February 12, 12:30-1 PM

Have you been wondering how you can use AI in your classes in an academic way that is not cheating? Join us for our 30-minute seminar that will give you tips on AI!

Oxford Academic Workshop

Thursday, February 20, 10-11 AM

Are you ready to unlock Oxford Academic? We will learn about advanced searching and special features in the database, which is available to us through our Oxford University Press Read & Publish deal.

If you haven't declared your favorite database yet, this one is a strong contender! The Oxford Press name is synonymous with high quality and peer reviewed content, the information spans a variety of disciplines, and the search functions ensure the content is accessible to users!

Bring a device, and join Renée in Library Classroom 1 for this fantastic Vogel Library Workshop. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend.

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: