Vogel Library will select physical and digital materials for the collection that support and enrich these four facets of Wartburg College and the Wartburg community:
Vogel Library is committed to developing a dynamic and inclusive collection that promotes social justice and intellectual freedom. Librarians manage the collection informed by ALA’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries statements while remaining committed to the ALA Core Values of Librarianship (such as democracy, diversity, and social responsibility). At the same time, we want to push librarianship further and be agents for more progressive change.
Vogel Library librarians, in cooperation and consultation with the faculty, develop and manage the collection. See our policies for Archives and Interlibrary Loan for more information regarding resource sharing and resource retention.
Vogel Library welcomes recommendations for the collection: use the Recommend a Purchase Form or contact the appropriate liaison librarian or the Library Director (see homepage for contact info).
To share concerns about a current item in the collection, contact the appropriate liaison librarian or the Library Director (see homepage for contact info) to begin the discussion. If the concern is not resolved through discussion, the formal reconsideration process will be invoked.
The library will purchase two copies of works authored or edited by current or retired Wartburg faculty and staff: one copy for circulation and another to be retained in the Wartburg College Archives.
The criteria for deselection follow the overall collection goal with the following factors strongly considered:
Deselected material may be sold (such as to Better World Books), donated, or disposed of as seen fit by Vogel Library.
Vogel Library accepts donated materials following the same criteria as the overall collection goal. Certain items no longer meet our collection goals and are no longer accepted: CDs, vinyl records, and VHS tapes.
Upon receipt, all gift materials become the property of Vogel Library. As such, Vogel Library reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloguing treatment, and other considerations relating to the use and disposition of gifts. Gift materials not added to the collection are disposed of using the same methods as for deselection.
Federal laws do not permit the library to make appraisals of donated materials. For donors who wish to have a value placed on their gift, please obtain an appraisal prior to making the donation. For donors requiring an itemized list of titles, please prepare an inventory list of the donated materials and include a copy of that list with your donation. Upon receipt of the gift, this corresponding information will be sent to the Wartburg Development Office, which will provide the donor with the appropriate gift documentation. The library assumes no responsibility for the use donors make of such documentation. Donors will receive a thank you letter from the library acknowledging the contribution.
Revised Fall 2020
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: asklibrarian@wartburg.edu