Consumer analysis allows a researcher to identify groups or segments of groups in a population that have the same wants or needs. This analysis can help the researcher determine:
Being able to justify your choices by with evidence, will make your argument more effective. Four segmentation categories of a market include:
These databases offer access to popular and scholarly articles concerning market research, consumer behavior, and research on the purchase decision process. Do not hesitate to jump over to PsycINFO or SocINDEX, if you want to look at this from a psychology or sociology lens!
Some publications are geared toward analyzing consumer behavior specifically. You can search those directly at the following links.
New Strategist, publisher of The American Marketplace, has lots of publications that analyze American demographics and consumer behavior. You can see that whole list by searching in OneSearch.
Online content is plentiful for this type of topic. Be sure to evaluate the source, however, as some articles are designed to persuade purchasing decisions and not to inform on the behavior itself. That doesn't make it not useful, but be sure to take that aim into consideration.
News about consumer behavior, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
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