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Business Research

BA 311: Business Communication

This landing page is provided to supplement information for the BA 311: Business Communication course. Use this information to guide your use of the tabs above to jump-start your research. For this class, you will need to successfully locate and use a variety of types of business resources. This means not only being able to differentiate the types of information but, also, recognizing where to go to get the type you need. In addition, you'll need to go on to use that information in smart and ethical ways.

Conducting Primary Research

Your information need will always determine where you look for sources. Typically a variety of supporting materials makes for more robust evidence to support your claims. For this assignment, you are required to include two scholarly, two trade, and two popular press sources. You can find all of these types of sources by utilizing the limiters available to you in Business Source Elite or other Vogel databases. Also, you need at least one source including survey, financial or demographic data; and at least one interview/conversation. While Statista is a great place to find global or national survey information, talking with individuals in the industry or responding to these types of problems in real-time will give you more granular examples to reference. Doing your own primary research and supporting your claims with that evidence will strengthen your argument and offer another perspective to diversify your reasoning. 

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