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Knight Reading 2023-2024: Everyday Ubuntu

Acknowledging Reality (However Painful)

No one is perfect and acknowledging and accepting our own failings can sometimes be more difficult than accepting the failings of others. Constructive criticism can help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us and so "we can look to trusted friends and other mentors for guidance" (p. 173). Like Lesson 10, acknowledging reality also takes a sense of humility and a willingness to learn and change.

  • What does "constructive criticism" look like to you?
  • How best do you receive such messages and how do you tend to deliver them?
  • How does the concept of "constructive criticism" relate to conflict resolution?

Additional Context

As a residential campus, conflict is likely to arise based on our continued proximity to others. One space that this might be experienced in residence halls but Residential Life and Student Life staff are able to provide support and advice in resolving conflicts with others.

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