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Long-Term Laptop Program

Computer Labs on Campus

View the list of campus Computer Labs on the ITS page (linked below).

6-hour Laptops

The library has HP laptops available for check out for up to 6 hours. The laptops cannot be held overnight and must be returned the day they are checked out.

  • Laptops contain several useful types of software and applications.
    • NOTE: Students cannot download additional software or remove any software from the laptops.
  • Laptops are intended for short term use on-campus (in your dorm, in the classroom, during a study session, etc.).
  • Students sign in using their Wartburg credentials and are expected to sign out of their profile before returning the laptop.
    • All laptops will have profiles removed at the end of each term.
  • Students do not need to register these devices; they are already on the Wartburg network.
  • Please alert library staff to any issues you encounter with a 6-hour laptop so we can quickly address the issue.

The 6-hour laptops are available at the library circulation desk on the 2nd floor of Vogel Library. You will need your Wartburg ID.

Purchasing a Laptop

Saving up to buy your own laptop? Check out these places for inexpensive laptops for purchase!

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: