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Long-Term Laptop Program


Eligible: Students who express financial hardship and are in need of a laptop in order to complete their academic studies. Approval will be determined by Krystal Madlock or Zafrul Amin in Student Life. See the Contact Us page for more information. Additional students and faculty will be considered for special situations. Please inquire if you are in need of a laptop for special Wartburg-related academic or professional uses (example: attending a conference).

Ineligible: Students whose personal laptop is temporarily unavailable or inaccessible (ex: it is being repaired) and in a short amount of time will again be in possession of their laptop with no personal hardship. This is determined on a case-by-case basis by Krystal or Zafrul. If ineligible, please refer to the More Resources page for alternate computing options available on campus until your personal laptop is again available.

Program Terms

Once approved, students are able to utilize the program for two years (i.e.: Fall, Winter, May, Summer). After that time period has expired, the student will be expected to purchase their own laptop or utilize other computing resources on campus. 

Please see the More Resources page for information on how to purchase an inexpensive laptop and information about other computing options on campus.

Loan Periods & Terms

  • Once approved, the student will need to complete the necessary agreements before they are issued a laptop.
    • Approval is given in the office of Student Life. Agreements are signed and laptops are issued in Vogel Library.
  • The laptop will be loaned to the student until the last day of finals of each term.
    • Laptops must be returned on time by making an appointment with Renée Barney or fines will accrue and the student's eligibility could be affected.
  • All laptops will be cleared of all software and personal data after each term.
  • Students will need to reapply to the program each term.

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: