Photo credit: Ava W. Burton on Unsplash
In this course, you will choose an area of interest in which you and your group want to enact social change. For this assignment, you will need to locate information that helps your group's particular proposal for social change. This means not only being able to differentiate the types of information but, also, recognizing where to go to get the type you need. In addition, you'll need to go on to use that information in smart and ethical ways.
Because the study of Sociology is inherently interdisciplinary, you may have a tried and true research toolkit that you've fostered in your major courses. Feel free to rely on the skills you're mastering in those courses to inform your work for this project. If you have a database you already rely on, try it out! If you have a LibGuide from another librarian that you have found particularly helpful to you, use it. My job as the liaison librarian to sociology is not to remove tools from your toolkit, but instead to help you add more choices to your collection.
Remember that directions and deadlines for the Term Paper Assignment are described in Professor Herrmeyer's syllabus.
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: