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ID 385: Vietnam War

Winter Term 2025 with Dr. Lindell

Government sources

Government Sources

Your topic may require finding government documents--most of these would be considered primary sources for your research.

US Dept of State examples

The links below will show you how to access Foreign Affairs, the publication of the US Department of State. This is only one example of the types of sources that can apply to you.

Presidential Papers

Presidential papers

These links take you to presidential paper primary sources. These are only a few examples of the types of collections you can access related to this course.

Other Websites

Other websites

You will find some government documents on other types of websites, such as the one below.

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: