An outline of your paper showing what you intend to cover. The more detail included, the better Dr. Lindell can offer useful feedback. This is worth 2% of your final grade.
WRSL tutors provide guidance in all stages of the writing process for all subjects. Support includes brainstorming, research, content development, organization, formatting, and citations.
Schedule an appointment with Microsoft Bookings. Look for the yellow "Schedule and Appointment" button.
Vogel Librarians are happy to help! Work one-on-one with a librarian during a consultation, stop by the Circ Desk for assistance, or use the Chat feature on the Vogel Library webpage.
Schedule an appointment with a librarian using Microsoft Bookings. Look for the blue bookmark icon next to your librarian's contact information.
Wartburg's professors hold office hours to support student growth. Check your course syllabus for more details.
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: