Faculty Handbooks
Abstract: Records (1953-2006) – of the Wartburg Faculty Handbooks, including drafts and revisions.
Extent: 7 boxes.
Dates: 1953-2006.
Faculty Information Bulletin
Abstract: Records (1952-2004) from Wartburg College Faculty Information Bulletins, Wartburg College Newsletters from 4/3/1980-7/31/1980 and 10/7/1980-4/28/1981, and Faculty/Staff News.
Extent: 21 boxes.
Dates: 1952-2004
Faculty Meeting Minutes
Abstract: Records dating from 1932 through 2016 regarding faculty meeting minutes. Collection made up of memos, minutes, correspondence, and various lists.
Extent: 11 boxes
Dates: 1932 - 2016
Faculty & Staff News
Abstract: Records (1962-2015) of faculty and staff news and workshops.
Extent: 13 boxes.
Dates: 1962-2015.
Faculty & Staff Organizations
Abstract: Records from the American Association of University Professors with dates ranging from 1950-2001. Records from the American Association of University Women and the Waverly branch are also included with dates ranging from 1947-1999. Wartburg Women’s Club records include correspondence, programs, financial information, membership information, yearbooks, and minutes from 1939-2014.
Extent: 13 boxes.
Dates: 1950-2001, 1947-1999, 1939-2014
Faculty & Staff Publications
Abstract: Faculty/Staff publications from all departments with dates ranging from 1964-2009.
Extent: 5 boxes.
Dates: 1964-1965, 1968, 2000, 2007, 2008-2009
John Chellevold Collection (Mathematics)
Abstract: Records containing biographical information, correspondence, press releases, memos, and publications regarding John Chellevold. The dates included range from 1952-1953.
Extent: 1 box.
Dates: 1952-1953.
Dr. Elmer W. Hertel (Biology and Athletics)
Abstract: Materials (1930-1964) collected by former Wartburg biology professor and athletic coach and director Elmer Hertel, including materials from his time at Hebron College & Academy in Hebron, Nebraska.
Extent: 3 boxes.
Dates: 1930-1964
Harold Kurtz
Abstract: Records (9/1991-5/1992) of correspondence between Harold Kurtz and Wartburg alumni about the history of Wartburg journalism. The collection also includes Kurtz’s notes and drafts for “Fly the Banner High”.
Extent: 1 box.
Dates: 9/1991-5/1992.
Ronald Matthias (History)
Abstract: Four copies of Ronald Matthias’ book, Still on the move: Wartburg College: 1852-2002, published in 2002. Records of Ronald Matthias’ correspondence, family, memos, publications, resignation, original book manuscript and research materials for Still on the Move are also included. Dates range from 1972-1999.
Extent: 4 books, 4 boxes.
Dates: 1972-1999, 12/1/2002
Gustav J. Neumann (English)
Abstract: This collection consists of writings and works of Gustav Neumann, who was a published author and English professor at Wartburg College. Gustav was also the father to Edwin, for whom the current auditorium is named. Gustav Neumann was a very religious man with a long teaching career at the collegiate level (more than 50 years).
Extent: 15 linear feet
Dates: 1921-1965 (also includes much undated material)
Gerhard Ottersberg (History)
Abstract: Items include correspondence, speeches, essays, and other writings by Gerhard Ottersberg. Dates range from 1852-1985. Two books are also included, “Iowa Synod” and the “1924 Nebraska Cornhusker”.
Extent: 2 books and 6 boxes.
Dates: 1852-1985.
Otto Proehl (President)
Abstract: Records include: sermon notes and bulletins from 1954-1964, various correspondence from 1881-1965, diaries and ledger books from 1911-1961, glass slides from 1905-1907, items of interest from 1901-1946, and international and United States postcards.
Extent: 27 boxes.
Dates: 1881-1965, 1901-1946, 1905-1907, 1911-1961, 1954-1964
Invest in Wartburg College Archives' future |
Kay Grigsby, MSLIS |
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: asklibrarian@wartburg.edu