You will be expected to deliver four pieces for every original video file that you complete.
1. Mark In/Out. This tool helps you mark the points you want to cut or use. You don't *need* to use these, but I find them useful
2. Select Control. Helps you select the separated clips and move it from one place to another
3. Razor tool. Use this to separate clips and trim off sections.
4. View bar. Drag the bar to the left or right to scroll through the video OR shrink or expand the bar (by pulling the ends) to zoom the timeline in or out for more precise cutting.
Spacebar- pause video
Arrow keys- Use left and right to move the video one millisecond forward or back.
This is especially useful while marking in/out in order to cut more precisely
J,K, and L keys
L- play and fast forward (up to x5)
K- pause
J-rewind and fast rewind (up to x5)
Other shortcuts
C- switches mouse to "cut"
V- switches mouse to "select"
I- places "mark in"
O- places "mark out"
If you can't find the Project window, you can always find it by selecting "Window"->"Projects" in the top toolbar. This will pull up the Project window as a popup window, and you can drag it to the location you want it.
Vogel Library, Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 | Phone: 319-352-8500 | Email: