A periodical is a publication that is published on a semi-regular basis. An assignment asking for you to utilize scholarly sources will rely on scholarly journals. There are times, however, that you are being asked to report on more popular material. Because much of our information is found online and many of the indicators of what type of source the article comes from has been stripped away by the databases, it is important you can determine the different types of periodicals from each other. Keep in mind, your information needs should always determine the information you seek.
Going into your search with a preconceived answer to your question will lead to confirmation bias in your search results. This will keep you from true inquiry.
Here are some tips from Caufiled (2017):
In addition, use Advanced Search (no matter the database or search engine) and separate your search into keywords and short phrases across the multiple boxes.
ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
Google Scholar
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