Environmental Protection Agency: U.S. agency charged with developing and enforcing regulations to protect human health and the environment.
United Nations Environment Programme: Organization focused on global environmental policy and data collection.
Encyclopedia of Life: Portal providing information on various species.
Google Scholar: This search engine is devoted entirely to scholarly research published or indexed online. Consider using the advanced search for more refined results.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species provides comprehensive information on the conservation status of plants and animals worldwide.
PubMed Central provides access to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free full-text digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
Science Research: A free, publicly available deep web search engine that uses advanced "federated search technology" to return high quality results by submitting your search query - in real-time - to other well respected search engines then collating, ranking and dropping duplicates of the results.
Scirus: This search engine focuses on scientific research published or indexed online. It allows researchers to search for not only journal content but also scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional repository and website information.
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