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Faculty Resources

Common research-related resources for faculty

Copyright Guidelines

Copyright in the Classroom

For general and some specific guidelines, check out the main Copyright Guide linked below.

If the guide doesn't answer your specific copyright questions, contact the library at 319-352-8500 or stop by the circulation desk on the 2nd floor.

Course Reserve Guidelines

We invite you to place items on course reserve in the library for students to use throughout a term or academic year. The purpose of a reserve collection is to make scarce resources available to many users. When you bring in selected material to be placed on reserve, this short list of guidelines may be of some help.

  1. Bring materials before the first day of classes (the earlier the better) and allow 24 hours from when the online form (linked below) is submitted or materials dropped off and a paper form submitted to ready the items for course reserve.  You can bring your own personal items, get things from our collection, or give us a list of things from our collection and we’ll get them.
    • If you would like to put an item on reserve that we do not have in our collection and you do not own, please talk to a librarian about ordering it and fill out the Recommendations for the Library form (linked below). Please allow time for ordering, shipping, cataloging and processing.
  2. The two options for loan periods are 4-hour and 24-hour checkout. Be sure to indicate which you prefer.

Please be aware that most of the material you might put on reserve will be subject to copyright law (Title 19, United States Code). Whenever possible, it is best practice to place a full book on reserve or link to a library database holding on your course’s My Wartburg page. Other uses may also be possible under fair use. More information on copyright and fair use can be viewed on our Copyright Guide (linked below).

Vogel Library, Wartburg College   |   100 Wartburg Blvd, Waverly, IA, 50677 |   Phone: 319-352-8500   | Email: